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Links: Gaucher Disease - International - Medical Condition

Canada - National Gaucher Foundation

Welcome to the homepage of the National Gaucher Foundation of Canada. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of research towards treatment and an eventual cure for Gaucher Disease.

Children's Gaucher Research Fund

Welcome to the Children's Gaucher ("go-shay") Research Fund. We are a non-profit organization, that raises funds to coordinate and support research to find a cure for Type 2 and Type 3 Gaucher Disease.

Comprehensive Gaucher Treatment Center

The Comprehensive Gaucher Treatment Center at Tower Hematology Oncology provides clinical evaluations for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Gaucher disease. Combining the efforts of Hematology, Medical Genetics, Orthopedics, and Radiology we offer a multidisciplinary program that coordinates all of the Gaucher patient's needs.

Fabry Community

Fabry disease is one of several genetically inherited diseases called lysosomal storage disorders. It causes a wide range of signs and symptoms that can range from mild to severe and life threatening. This site connects the Fabry community to information about the causes, diagnosis and management of Fabry disease. The site also provides support to patients, families, and healthcare providers.

Gaucher Disease - Albany Medical Center

The Gaucher Program at Albany Medical College was created in November of 1991 to provide diagnostic and treatment services to people of all ages suffering from Gaucher disease. The program provides a team of medical and psychosocial specialists who collaborate to promote optimal care for individuals with this process. The Albany Medical College Gaucher Program has made a concerted effort over the years to educate the medical community and the general public through medical lectures, correspondence, educational TV, radio programs, and health fairs with a focused outreach to the Russian speaking community. In addition, it networks with other Gaucher Treatment Centers throughout the world.

Gaucher Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Program - Univ. of Pittsburgh

The Gaucher Disease Diagnosis & Treatment Program at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center provides comprehensive care for individuals and families with Gaucher disease.

Gaucher_Disease Chatroom

Sundays starting at 4pm in the UK and Ireland (17.00 rest of Europe, 11 am EST, 10am central, 9am mountain, 8am pacific).
Saturdays at 9pm in the UK and Ireland (22.00 rest of Europe, 4pm EST, 3pm central, 2pm mountain, 1pm pacific).
Fridays (ie late Thursday night) at 1.30am in the UK and Ireland (02.30 in Europe; Thursdays 8.30pm EST, 7.30pm central, 6.30pm mountain, 5.30pm pacific).

Genzyme Corporation

Research and Development Since its founding in 1981, Genzyme has dedicated itself to discovering and developing innovative products and services to improve the lives of patients with debilitating diseases. This commitment has driven Genzyme to establish many new models in treatment and testing, and has brought hope to thousands of people affected by devastating and, in many cases, previously untreatable illnesses. Over the years, Genzyme-sponsored research and development has led to the introduction of new treatments for many serious health problems including rare and debilitating genetic diseases, renal disease, and orthopaedic injuries.

Germany - Gaucher Gesellschaft Deutschland e.V.

Die GGD wurde am 19.5.1992 gegründet und ist als gemeinnütziger Verein registriert (Vereinsregister Nr. 699 beim Amtsgericht Lippstadt). Die GGD ist aus dem Zusammenschluß von Gaucher-Betroffenen und behandelnden Ärzten entstanden.

Israeli Gaucher Association

The late Dr. Nissim Levy Gaucher Patients' Association The Gaucher Disease Society is a focal point for all Gaucher Disease patients in Israel as well as for physicians, research scientists, members of paramedical professions, family members and others.

Italy - Gaucher Association

L'Associazione Italiana Gaucher (A.I.G.) č un'associazione nazionale costituitasi nell'Ottobre del 1992 a Firenze, grazie all'impegno di alcune persone che direttamente o attraverso i familiari hanno conosciuto la malattia di Gaucher. L'A.I.G. diffonde un'informazione corretta ai pazienti, ai familiari ed ai medici sulla malattia di Gaucher e sull'esistenza di un farmaco, per ora unico, insostituibile ed indispensabile per la vita delle persone affette da tale malattia. L'A.I.G. si propone di promuovere e sostenere la ricerca medico-scientifica e psico-pedagogica. Intende, inoltre, sensibilizzare medici ed in particolare pediatri, sull'importanza della diagnosi precoce, all'individuazione dei centri pių idonei alla diagnosi differenziale e cura delle diverse forme di Gaucher. L'Associazione si propone di stabilire rapporti con le altre associazioni, di sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica e la classe politica, affinché quest'ultima si renda consapevole dell'esistenza di tale malattia e dei problemi da essa derivanti, nonché di informare attraverso un bollettino i malati e le loro famiglie riguardo le ultime novitā scientifiche.

National Gaucher Foundation

The National Gaucher Foundation was founded in 1984 to meet the needs of those suffering from Gaucher disease. Its members are mainly in the United States.

Sweden - Morbus Gaucher - foreningen

Vad gör Morbus Gaucher - föreningen? Morbus Gaucher-föreningen bildades hösten 1975 av föräldrar till barn med sjukdomen i Norrbotten och Västerbotten. Föreningen är öppen för alla med intresse att stödja föreningen. Föreningens ändamål är bland annat att: ˇ främja och tillvarata de Gaucher-drabbades intressen beträffande behandling, vård, rehabilitering och social trygghet ˇ sprida upplysning om sjukdomen ˇ främja forskning ˇ skapa förståelse för de Gaucher-drabbades problem Föreningen arbetar på olika sätt för att nå dessa mål. Huvudaktiviteter är bevakning av forsknings- och behandlings-resultat, samt informationsspridning. Föreningen har ca 125 medlemmar i Sverige.

University of Southern California - Gaucher Disease Center

Gaucher Disease was first described in 1882 by Phillippe C. E. Gaucher, whose name it continues to bear. The disease is an inherited disorder resulting from a deficiency of the enzyme, acid ß-glucosidase. The accumulated substrate, glucosylceramide, is phagocytized by macrophages, which in turn are deposited in the reticuloendothelial system of the liver, spleen and bone marrow resulting often in hepatosplenomegaly and bone marrow infiltration leading to pancytopenias, infarctions and fractures.[8,9] The pathophysiology of Gaucher bone disease is poorly understood.
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