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Links: Irritable Bowel Syndrome - International - Medical Condition

Crohn's Disease

Healthline provides a very comprehensive overview of Crohn`s Disease as a critical starting point for individuals and/or their loved ones

Gastro Net (Australia)

GastroNet, an online information service for patients and health professionals, presented by GastroNet Australia Pty Ltd, and written by gastroenterologists and other health professionals in the field of gastroenterology (diseases of the human digestive system). Its aim is to provide accurate up-to-date information for patients, to be used with guidance from the health professional.

IBS Health

My name is Shawn Eric Case. I have been diagnosed with IBS and I have had it for thirty one years. I am active in providing current IBS information on the web and other IBS endeavors, including IBS research and support groups. My site contains general information about IBS and research information, as well as medications, testing, foods, glossaries, searchable databases, psychological treatments and links with the latest articles.

IBS of Spastisch Colon (In Dutch)

Deze discussiegroep is voor mensen die lijden aan IBS of Spastisch Colon, mensen die hulp zoeken voor iemand die aan IBS lijdt, en mensen uit de medische sector die meer willen leren over IBS.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Association

A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping everyone who suffers from IBS through patient support groups, treatment, accurate information and education

Irritable Bowel Syndrome.Com

Site contains Articles, links, information on treatments and trails, resources, quizzes, IBS boards and online chat.

Mind Body Digestive Center

Excellent site. Information and articles on all aspects of IBS, including women and IBS, treatments, expert dialogue, and international perspectives.

Solvay IBS Centre

A resource for people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Information on the symptoms, treatment and latest development regarding IBS.
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