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Links: Benefits Information - UK - Government

Citizen's Advice Bureaux

Advice that makes the Difference

Department of Health

Covers all aspects including benefit information

Department of Social Security

Benefits Information


The site has been running since June 2000 and has proved highly successful. It has become a widely used benefit information resource.

Government Information for Carers

Caring for Carers

New Deal

New Deal is a key part of the Government`s strategy to get people back to work. It gives people on benefits the help and support they need to look for work, including training and job preparation.

Social Security Information - Northern Ireland

Site serving the Northern Ireland Department of Health and Social Services, which aims to improve people`s health and well-being, and their economic and social conditions.

War Pensions Department

The War Pensions Agency. This Agency works in partnership with a range of public, private and voluntary bodies to deliver a high quality and efficient service to war pensioners and their widows.
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