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Links: Turner Syndrome - International - Medical Condition

Australia - Victoria Turner Syndrome Association

The Victorian Turners Syndrome Association Inc, was formed in 1984 as a support group to help Turner�s individuals, their families, partners and friends to discuss their feelings, concerns and any sensitive issues that may arise.

Canada - Turner's Syndrome Society of Canada

The Turner's Syndrome Society of Canada, a non-profit charitable organization, was founded in 1981 by an individual with TS who wanted to share experiences and information. It provides support services for individuals with TS and their families and disseminates up-to-date medical information to families, physicians and the general public.

Denmark - Danish Turner Center

In English, French, German and Danish Center for Information, Councelling and Research on chromosome anomalies.
All our booklets are now available online. Printed copies of these booklets are available free of charge - by request of persons, or parents to persons, afflicted by one of these syndromes. However, we encourage people with access to the Internet to use this option, in order to save overseas postage.

Germany - Deutsche Ullrich-Turner-Syndrom Vereinigung e.V

Wir sind eine gemeinnützige Selbsthilfevereinigung zur psychosozialen Beratung und Unterstützung von Mädchen und Frauen mit dem Ullrich-Turner-Syndrom sowie deren Partnerinnen und Partnern, Familien, Freundinnen und Freunden. Auch für medizinische Fragen stehen wir zur Verfügung. Kontaktgesuche sind über unser Kontaktboard möglich. Zum Diskutieren besuchen Sie bitte unser Forum. Für den Austausch steht unser Chat bereit. Dabei möchten wir Sie noch auf unser Gästebuch hinweisen, das für Anregungen, Wünsche, Lob und Kritik offen ist. Unsere Geschäftsstelle und unser Beratungstelefon stehen Ihnen für weitere Informationen zur Verfügung. Die aktuelle Ausgabe unserer Zeitschrift Ullrich-Turner-Syndrom-Nachrichten können Sie selbstverständlich online lesen. Ältere Ausgaben sind in unserem Archiv zu finden.

healthAtoZ - Turner Syndrome

Excellent Resource Website

Netherlands - Turner Contact

In English/Dutch Op deze site treft u informatie aan over het Syndroom van Turner. Wij hopen zo vele vragen te beantwoorden. Tevens bieden wij u de mogelijkheid om via het antwoordformulier of de telefoon verder te kunnen helpen met vragen en/of opmerkingen. Het telefoonnummer van de Turnerlijn

Personal Site - Tabitha's Site

We are forever telling Tabitha that she is our Sweetheart. She used to look at us and say "I love your brain". INTERESTING! (I wonder what she meant by that?) Tabitha is our now 16 year old daughter (January girl) who was born with Turners Syndrome and at 18 months old was diagnosed with Autism and developmentally delayed. She is fairly healthy. We have had more complications with the autism/developmentally delayed symptoms more than the Turner Syndrome. It takes alot of patience and really staying in tune with her to stay on top of her behaviors. We have had alot of learning about this over the years. We will continue to be ever learning and trying to be of service to others in years to come. We love her and would not change having her for the world. God has done alot of work in and through us since He gave her to us to raise for His glory and His honor.

USA - National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Division of Research Site.

This study aims to correlate the clinical features of Turner syndrome with the genes responsible for each feature. This study is designed so that girls and women (AGES 7 AND UP) with Turner syndrome may benefit through extensive investigation of potential medical issues. This study will include genetic counseling and provide participants the opportunity to discuss their diagnosis, medical and social issues with physicians and nurses who are involved in the study. In addition, individuals' test results will be provided in printed form for participants and their physicians. This study aims to improve the preventative and therapeutic medical care for girls and women with Turner syndrome.

USA - Turner Syndrome Society USA

The Turner Syndrome Society (TSS) of the U. S. was founded in 1987 by a group of dedicated individuals with experiences and information to share about the condition, first documented in 1938 by Dr. Henry Turner, a pioneer endocrinologist working in Oklahoma City, OK. The group had been inspired by a national conference sponsored by the Canadian TS Society, which itself had been organized six years earlier. From its beginning, and with an uncompromising effort, the Society determined to encourage medical research, the dissemination of state-of-the-art TS information, and social support services to individuals, families, physicians and the general public.

Voices of TS

Excellent site. My intent here is not to duplicate their very valuable information, but to give TS girls and women like myself an opportunity to tell "our side of the story."
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